Common Faculty Development - Instructor Course (CFD-IC)
Length: 10 days. CFDIC is a comprehensive, structured course which trains individuals on how to prepare and present effective training sessions. Prospective instructors are taught the fundamentals of the following instructional strategies: direct instruction, indirect instruction, collaborative/interactive instruction, and experiential learning. Students develop and present three complete lesson plans/teaching plans; one using the Lecture/Conference Method of instruction, one using the Discussion Method of Instruction, and one which integrates a discussion with a demonstration and practical exercise. Students are actively engaged in the subjects of: Adult Learning Theory, Critical Thinking, Army Training and Education, Classroom Management, Assessment Strategies, Creating Learning Objectives, Managing Media, Revision of a Lesson Plan, Creating Learning Objectives, Discussion, Conference & Integrated Methods of Instruction (MOI), Instructor Recognition Program (IRP), and Composite Risk Management (CRM).
Common Faculty Development - Developer Course (CFD-DC)
Length: 10 days. Designed to teach training developers the skills and knowledge required to apply the ADDIE process to Army training and education requirements. The course content focuses on student performance of selected analysis, design, and development tasks related to individual training development outputs or products required by TRADOC Regulation 350-70, Army Learning Policy and Systems December 2011. This course includes instruction on the formal ADDIE Process, as well as the integration of the 21st Century Soldier Competencies, General Learning Outcomes, Army Learning Model 2015 as well as the techniques and procedures the curriculum designer can use to implement those throughout USAICoE training.
Assessments and Rubrics Creating Success (ARCS)
Length: 4 days. Designed to teach instructors and developers about the various types of rubrics, how to norm them within their organizations, and how to develop them. The content focuses on understanding the benefits of rubrics within the classroom, and student performance of norming and developing holistic, analytic, and task specific rubrics. Students will be taught about the various types of assessments, and how to develop both criterion and norm-referenced tests. It also serves to discuss diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments. Students learn how to develop tests including the strengths and weaknesses of various types of test questions, and how to analyze the data from student tests.
Length: 2 days. The Coaching Course provides instructors with a basic understanding of some of the principles of effective coaching and familiarizes instructors with TRADOC Regulation 600-21 and the Instructor Evaluation Rubric 600-21-1. This course generates coaches that are able to provide novice instructors with the support they need in order to ensure success within classrooms, regardless of the committee specific certification processes. In direct support of The U.S. Army Learning Concept for Training and Education 2020-2040, TRADOC Pamphlet 525-8-2, April 2017, this course generates coaches that are able to provide novice instructors with the support they need in order to ensure success within classrooms, regardless of the committee specific certification processes. This academic course entails pre-course work consisting of a read ahead assignment, as well as a collaborative homework assignment on day one.
Virtual Training & Qualification (VTQ) Course
Length: 5 days (Online). The VTQ Course is specifically designed to teach, develop, and prepare USAICoE instructors to be able to facilitate a relevant and learner-centric online course, for selected courses to transition to a virtual/e-learning environment. This course serves to qualify USAICoE's instructors to facilitate virtual instruction in accordance with TRADOC Pamphlet 350-70- 12, The Army Distributed Learning (DL) Guide, dated 3 May 2013, and TRADOC Pamphlet 525-8-2, The U.S. Army Learning Concept for Training and Education 2020- 2040, dated April 2017.
Length: 3 days. The Project Athena Course provides leaders with guidance on the use of assessments and feedback to coach subordinates in the self-domain of learning. This course teaches Athena coaches how to use an exploratory approach to coach regarding personal qualities, leadership abilities, and critical thinking skills through self-reflection. This course uses the Center for the Army Profession and Leadership (CAPL) Leader Development Improvement Guide (LDIG) and FM 6-22, Leader Development, to evaluate behaviors, self-assess needs and strengths, and gain greater self-awareness. This course also explores the use of the Individual Development Plan (IDP) and resources for personal improvement.
Socratic Questioning Workshop (SQW)
Length: 1 day Socratic Questioning Workshop is designed to teach students to challenge accuracy and completeness of their thinking and most importantly their students. Socratic questioning clarifies the need to think through or rethink ideas which stimulate creative and innovative thought. It elicits engaged dialogue and requires students to think critically so as to analyze problems and/or challenges that arrive at thought-provoking ideas through applying logical reasoning. This workshop provides students with the foundational knowledge of the Socratic teaching methodologies. The workshop will guide students toward gaining an increased interest in deep questioning and pursuit of their own research, study and continued practice.