Library of Congress Subject Headings with notes (if available)
o Air warfare: No notes.
o Armed Forces--Civic action: Non-military use of armed forces for social and economic development.
o Asymmetric warfare: Warfare between two unequal adversaries in which the weaker adversary seeks to force the stronger to accede to its strategic objectives by means of superior organization, strategy, tactics, maneuverability, etc.
o Combined operations (Military science): Operations conducted by armed forces of two or more allied nations acting together for the accomplishment of a single mission.
o Cyberspace operations (Military science): No notes.
o Hybrid warfare: Warfare that employs a mixture of conventional and irregular techniques, as well as terrorism and criminal activities.
o Information warfare: No notes. Encompasses – Military Intelligence; Network-centric operations (Military science), and Psychological warfare.
o Integrated operations (Military science): Operations conducted by military forces working in coordination with civilian organizations, in which the participating military and civilian partner organizations come from two or more nations.
o Irregular warfare: Warfare between adversaries, at least one of whom is a non-state actor seeking to undermine the established political authority through both indirect and conventional military means.
o Maneuver warfare: Warfare concentrating on defeating the enemy by rapidly maneuvering so as to disrupt his cohesion and ability to react, rather than by physically destroying his forces.
o Proxy war: Military conflicts that are instigated by, or fought on behalf of, countries which are not directly involved in the conflict, usually as a substitute for fighting each other.
o Space warfare: Interplanetary warfare, attacks on earth from outer space, and warfare among the nations of earth in outer space.
o Tactics: No notes.
o Unified operations (Military science): Joint operations conducted by elements of more than one service of the same nation. This is the term to use when patrons ask for Joint Force Operations.
For questions concerning these subject headings contact Bridget Toof- Fort Leavenworth