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A-Z Listings: DOD | GOV Sites

A-Z DOD & MIL Websites

Browse below for links to Department of Defense and government websites. Some may require a CAC or sign-in. 

Air Land Sea Space Application (ALSSA) Center

Air Land Sea Space Application (ALSSA) Center

ALSSA is a multi-Service organization established by the doctrine centers to develop tactical-level solutions of multi-Service interoperability issues consistent with Joint and Service doctrine. ALSSA is the principal DOD organization charged with synchronizing multi-Service warfighting capabilities at the tactical level. We will accomplish this through professional networking, collaborative tools, digital media and any method that allows us to engage and inform the warfighter. Adaptability, credibility, and speed are the pillars of ALSA’s organizational culture. These pillars ensure we provide timely, relevant, and accessible multi-Service solutions in ways that bolster the interoperability and lethality of the joint force.

Older issues of the Battlespace Journal, produced by ALSSA, can be found here.

AUP | Army University Press

Army University Press 

The US Army’s premier multimedia organization – focuses on advancing the ideas and insights military professionals need to lead and succeed.

  • Military Review
  • NCO Journal
  • Staff Ride Team

CALL | Center for Army Lessons Learned

DTIC | Defense Technical Information Center

Defense Technical Information Center

  • The largest central resource for DoD and government-funded research, reports and papers.
  • DTIC provides access to FOUO, simply click on "Access controlled search" and authenticate with a CAC.

Homeland Security Digital Library

Homeland Security Digital Library

The Homeland Security Digital Library (HSDL) is the nation’s premier collection of documents related to homeland security policy, strategy, and organizational management. The HSDL is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s National Preparedness Directorate, FEMA and the Naval Postgraduate School Center for Homeland Defense and Security.

The HSDL Collection

The majority of the items in the HSDL Collection are openly searchable and available to the public, with no account or authorization necessary.  This public collection includes items such as:

The remainder of the collection is open to government officials at the local, state, tribal, territorial or federal levels, as well as the U.S. military.  It is also open to homeland security research or educational institutions, their faculty and their students.  See more about eligibility.  The larger, full collection contains items from both public and private sectors to include resources such as reports, studies, videos, webcasts, and analyses from national and international think tanks; state and local governments; foreign governments; educational institutions; and national and international organizations.



CAC Required. Provides services of common concern for the national intelligence community and its customers. The Intelink family of services provides timely and rich access to a wide array of Intelligence, Defense, Homeland Security, Law Enforcement, and Diplomatic information up to FOUO. Use Internet Explorer.